Workers' Compensation

What You Need to Know About Workers' Compensation Benefits

  •  Workers Compensation covers IHSS Providers for all injuries that may incur while performing services specifically authorized by the IHSS Program.
  • Workers' Compensation benefits for IHSS are administered and provided through Intercare. 
  • If the Provider is injured while performing a non-authorized task, the IHSS Recipient could be held responsible if the IHSS Recipient asked you to perform the task.
  • The Provider has 24 hours to report an injury. To file a Workers' Compensation claim, report your injury to your Recipient’s IHSS Social Worker and leave a voicemail message when needed or during non-office hours.
    • If you do not have the Recipient's IHSS Social Worker's phone number, call the IHSS Main Reception at 714-825-3000.
  • If it is an emergency and medical treatment is needed, immediately seek treatment with your own medical provider.
  • Workers’ Compensation is different from State Disability Insurance (SDI).

Information to report to your Recipient’s IHSS Social Worker if you are injured while working your IHSS tasks:

      o   When did the injury happen?

      o   What time did the injury happen?

      o   What time did you start/end work?

      o   How did it happen?

      o   Where did the injury happen?

      o   Did you receive any medical treatment?

      o   If so, where did you receive treatment? Doctor’s information?

What are the benefits?

Paid for by Intercare to help you recover from an injury or illness caused by work. Doctor visits, hospital services, physical therapy, lab tests and x-rays are some of the medical services that may be provided. These services must be necessary to treat your injury. There are limits on some services such as physical and occupational therapy and chiropractic care.

If you are unable to work for more than three days, including weekends, because your injury prevents you from doing your usual job while recovering from your injury, you could receive Temporary Disability (TD) payments. The amount you may get is up to two-thirds of your wages. There are minimum and maximum payment limits set by state law. You will be paid every two weeks if you are eligible. For most injuries, payments may not exceed 104 weeks within five years from your date of injury. TD stops when you return to work, or when the doctor releases you for work, or says your injury has improved as much as possible.

Payments if you don’t recover completely. You will be paid every two weeks if you are eligible. There are minimum and maximum weekly payment rates established by state law and vary by injury date. The amount of payment is based on:

  • Your doctor's medical reports
  • How much of the permanent disability was directly caused by your work
  • Factors such as: your age, occupation, type of injury, date of injury

This is a voucher for UP TO $6,000 that you can use for retraining or skill enhancement at an approved school, books, tools, licenses or certification fees, or other resources to help you find a new job. You are eligible for this voucher if:

  • You have permanent disability
  • Modified or alternative work is not available within 60 days after the claims administrator receives a doctor's report saying you have made a maximum medical recovery.

Death benefits are payments to your spouse, children or other dependents if you should die from a job injury or illness. The amount of payment is based on the number of dependents and the date of injury. The benefit is paid every two weeks at a rate of at least $224 per week. In addition, Workers’ Compensation provides a burial allowance.

Other Benefits

If you receive a Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit voucher, you may qualify for additional money from the  Department of Industrial Relations (DIR)'s Return to Work Supplement Program (RTWSP). This one-time payment can be used to supplement the earnings lost from being injured. If you qualify, a check will be issued by the state, not the Worker's Compensation claims administrator. For details on eligibility and how to apply, visit their website at If you have questions, contact RTWSP staff at 510-286-0787, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, excluding holidays, or email